Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

commitment to myself

In paying attention to all that is showing up for me, I am reminded as always that…

The level of commitment showing up in my life is a reflection of the level of commitment I have to myself. Hmmm… well then.

In my commitment to practice, I have recently made some further commitments to myself and I thought I’d share my list. 

1. Finish what I start, only if I remain inspired... inspiration is clear guidance
2. Remember that if I’m inspired, I’m bound to inspire
3. Trust more so that I can plan less (tricky sometimes)
4. Think less and feel more
5. Write like there’s nobody reading
6. Notice the sunrise & the sunset every day because they me such joy
7. Let go of what no longer inspires me no matter what even if I created it
8. Close my mind sometimes in order to open my heart
9. Remember that our children came to teach (tricky sometimes)
10. Remember that everyone we encounter came to teach (tricky but brilliant)
11. Talk less and ask more then listen, (especially to children)
12. Give what I’ve been given to give, there’s more where that comes from
13. Make inspiration my mission, joy my vision, and love my goal
14. Share more listen more, love more, learn more, receive more and advise less
15. Give myself the freedom to follow my bliss, every day (it takes a lot of freedom)
16. Give everyone the freedom to follow his or her bliss every day by remembering it’s not mine to give, it’s theirs.
17. Remember that if I don’t like it, it’s all about me
18. Begin a sentence with “I appreciate”, many times a day
19. Allow my quantum presence to live not run the show… she is my greatest teacher.
20. Pay close attention to my greatest teacher… she’s very connected