Tuesday, August 25, 2009

today I begin

For a long time now I have been told that I should be blogging. For a long time now I have asked myself... about what? Today I came across a book called "Artful Blogging" and I've been both inspired, and reminded that I can blog about whatever my heart desires.  So today I begin...
Posting what I write however, will require that I take a leap of sorts, every single time.  So it is with that in mind that I have named this undertaking.
I've been practicing the art of leaping for some time now, but only of course when it suits me, and generally at times when to do so has required great amounts of trust that cannot for the most part be seen from any distance whatsoever, yet have left me in a net called; present, empowered and at peace.  However the art of leaping increasingly escapes me when the net appears to be hanging out in public view so to speak, and the results of my leaping are subject to potential criticism or scrutiny. It's a bit like cooking dish after dish of beautiful food, and right at serving time, refusing to let anyone take the smallest bite, even though  it could be very very good.  Such fear, such waste. So today I begin, and whether I blog once a day or once a month will not matter, whether I write 10 words or 100 will not matter, what matters is that I leap by pressing 'publish post' every time.  So today I begin... 

"If your wings can't take you high enough, grow them"

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